Friday, November 13, 2009

Buy Low Market in Provo

This week at most Associated Food Stores there is a big sale on Chex cereal and Pillsbury rolls. After looking through the different ads I noticed that each store has different prices for the items that are on sale. The store with the best prices for the same product was Buy Low Market in Provo. The deal for the cereal and rolls is for every 4 boxes of Chex (Rice, Corn, or Wheat) you buy, they will take $4 off making them $.98 each. And the same for the rolls, you buy 4 and they will take $2 off making them $.98 also. They usually have great deals at this store but I rarely get out that direction. While there, I was able to find a few great deals that I thought I would share.
8 boxes of Chex $.98 ea
4 can Pillsbury crescent rolls $.98 ea
4 loaves Dunford Bakers bread $.88 ea (this is REALLY good bread)
25 lbs sugar $9.98
Avocadoes $.33 ea
Tangerines $.33/lb
There were other great prices on produce! For a full list go to the PYP list HERE

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